Please rate our performance by checking the response that best describes your evaluation. Feel free to add comments. Thank you for your input and feedback.


Professional and courteous service of office staff
ExcellentGoodPoorVery Poor

Speed and efficiency of registration
ExcellentGoodPoorVery Poor

Satisfactory answers to financial and insurance questions
ExcellentGoodPoorVery Poor


Professional and courteous service of nurses
ExcellentGoodPoorVery Poor

Nurses introducing themselves and keeping you informed
ExcellentGoodPoorVery Poor

Nurses explaining procedures
ExcellentGoodPoorVery Poor

Satisfactory answers to questions
ExcellentGoodPoorVery Poor

Written instructions for your home care
ExcellentGoodPoorVery Poor


Staff giving you the privacy you needed
ExcellentGoodPoorVery Poor

Cleanliness and comfort of the surgery center
ExcellentGoodPoorVery Poor

Likelihood that you would return or recommend the Surgery Center to others
ExcellentGoodPoorVery Poor

OVERALL, rating of your experience at the Surgery Center
ExcellentGoodPoorVery Poor

Additional Comments

Optional Information

